ASL Manufactures Electrostatic Precipitators / Elektrofilter Parts – Collecting Plates & Discharge or Emitting Electrodes, Support / Shaft Insulators for all well known types/styles, used by Steel, Power, Cement, Paper & other Industrial Segments.

ASL, the "ONE STOP SHOP" for all variety of ESP Parts. Our strength is OEM quality standards, competitive prices & single source for variety of ESP Parts.

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  • Superior Mechanical Strength.

  • Resistance to abrasion & Corrosion.

  • Excellent Electrical Resistance.

  • Engineered to withstand severe operating Environment.

  • Built in Thermal properties to ensure minimal distortion.

  • Multi Step Quality Assurance Programme for product reliability.




Emitting Electrode

Collecting Electrode


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If you are looking for quality ESP PARTS, then  you have come to the right place. ASPL specialises in providing Electrostatic Precipitators parts of the highest quality and standard to its customers around the globe.

 A little information about Electrostatic Precipitation process

Composed of two sections, a charging and a collection section, the charger sends positive charge to smoke, fume and dust via a ionized wire. The charge is then drawn into a secondary Electrostatic Precipitation field where they are collected on plates of metal. Clean air is then circulated into the atmosphere, Electrostatic Precipitation taking place. 

Whatever your budget or requirements, ASPL can fulfil your requirements and provide you with a solution that your business will benefit from. ASPL ltd is based in India and has a customer base that spans United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Australia, Germany and pretty much anywhere you are located. Infact, whether you are in Europe, India or US, ASPL Parts can provide you with a quliaty service and guaranteed Electrostatic Precipitators  parts. 

ASPL is uniquely positioned to offer everything Electrostatic Precipitators and ESP parts at not only the best value and price but also the widest range. We can boast of offering products which confirm to OEM standards and offer many different types of Electrostatic Precipitators and ESP parts 

Talk to ASPL today for your Electrostatic Precipitators requirements or if you are looking to buy ESP parts. Not only do we promise satisfaction via quality and service but also technical superiority in the products we can offer. 

We look forward to hearing from you!

placa coletora para precipitador